Christian Education

Jesus called for the children and said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.  Luke 18:16

It is our goal to encourage and support the spiritual development of the children who attend Beacon of Hope UMC.  We endeavor to demonstrate, through example and word, the love and grace of God both in our education program and as we care for others in our church and community.  We currently have a one-room Sunday school classroom for elementary age students (grades K- 5) in which we explore Bible stories in creative ways to help children learn more about God and Jesus and to look for ways that God is present in our world and lives.  We encourage children to ask questions, express doubts, discover new ideas and to practice sharing God’s love and grace with others in daily life.

Children gather with their families on Sunday mornings for 10:00 a.m. worship are invited to participate in the Children’s Message early in the service.  Children in grades K-5 and Sunday School teachers then leave for Sunday school for the remainder of the service.   

Safe Sanctuary: 

It is our priority that children and youth entrusted into our care for Education programming are safe and protected.  Beacon of Hope has a Safe Sanctuary Policy that is updated regularly and is available for your review upon request.  Sunday School teachers and those who work with children and youth  regularly review of our Safe Sanctuary policy and have received CORI checks prior to work with the children in our care.  

Family Sundays:

We believe that it is important for children and youth to feel welcomed in worship and to foster the value of worshipping God in our journey of faith. To that end, the 1st Sunday of the month is Family Sunday when children remain in and are encouraged to participate in worship. We endeavor to make these Sundays as experiential and creative as possible through music selections, creative and engaging messages, invitation for children to share their own prayer requests and welcome of children and youth, with the rest of the congregation, to share Holy Communion together around the altar table.   

Adult Education:

We believe that spiritual growth and faith development is a life-long task.  We encourage all members to find ways to grow closer to God in Christ in their spiritual journey, to deepen their understanding of the Bible, to practice and live their faith through regular worship, through prayer/meditation practices and groups, through Bible study, through stewardship and active participation in outreach and mission projects.

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